Basically, making love is when lovers are deeply in love with each other and indulge in all form of passionate séx, while having séx may just be about experiencing érotic pleasure down there. But oddly enough, both are very necessary in any marital relationship.
Almost always, ladies say they like making love simply because it involves lots of touching, long sénsual foré-play and the like; while many men can’t help but say they like having séx. However, gender generalisation may really not be true because many men prefer love making to having séx.
Although, making love and having séx may sound similar, there’s a big emotional difference...

And the best part about making love is that there is more room for communication, deep sharing and prolonged foré-play. Both partners would not only be comfortable with each other, they will be aware of each other’s moves and deepest desires, that naturally may not surface when having séx.
In one word, séx is just a perfect fusion.
But when it comes to having séx, it is usually triggered off more from object of attraction, boiling arousal, séxual famishment, long abstinence, and prolonged denial. Foré-play is usually skipped; this type of séx is usually fast and furiously done in the car, under the shower, on a road trip, in a private office, at a friend’s place… anywhere secure and at least semi-comfortable! In this type of séx, you just want to have it to quench your arousal-hunger and endless torture and you wouldn’t care about awkward positions or cramps and sprains until the deed is done. While having séx is more of a pure carnal satisfaction, yet both make séxual intimacy in marriage spicy.
Sometimes, just having séx with your husband or wife can be more fun than making love. At the start of a marital relationship, it’s the séxual attraction that makes making love feel so séxy. But when couples make love all the time and avoid having fast, quickie and furious séx, the hot rush of passion may start to drop because neither of the partners is focusing on séxual attractiveness and triggers.
It is not uncommon that both may be deeply in love with each other yet séxually unsatisfied due to lack of what can be called the attraction. Sometimes, this may even lead to loss of lib-ido, lack of séxual desire, weak er-éction and some org-asms challenges.
You can still experience the best love making in séx and even stay loyal to each other while both of you exchange hot quick ideas and séxual thoughts while having séx.
Time of love making helps séxual romance to bloom; it gives room to communion well and also helps activate the mind while creating fantasies and imagination together. Spouses can even create new and exciting séxual memories.
Time of lovemaking is time of pure openness; it allows you to say what you are thinking and also makes you to talk like you’re having an affair. The séxiest way to talk freely with your partner is when you are most relaxed; it helps you to fantasise about passionate moments. In any successful relationship, couples need a perfect blending and balance of making love and having séx. So therefore, when a spouse feels like his or her partner is not emotionally connected in bed, that is not the moment to fret.
At times, just having séx can be a good thing too, just as long as you look for ways to bring lovemaking back into the bedroom now and then. Balance the equation; make love, have séx. The combination can be super!
By Funmi Akingbade
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