The average frequency for sex is two times per week

A Durex survey
outlined that the average number of times people have sex is 103 times
per year, 1.98 times per week and 0.28 times per day! Incorporating sex
into your life does have its benefits, including stress relief and increased energy, but there is no right or wrong quota you need to hit – we’re not all bunny rabbits!
Heavier men last longer in bed

Put down the weights and grab a hamburger: Researchers in
Turkey have finished a yearlong study that correlated body mass index
with male sexual performance. Their findings may surprise you: Heavier
men were able to make love for an average of 7.3 minutes, while slender
men lasted an average of 108 seconds. The study, published in Nature,
showed that overweight men had higher levels of the female estradiol
hormone, which blocks male hormones and delays the climax.
Oral sex could be a cure for morning sickness

One academic is
proposing a cure for morning sickness that some moms-to-be might find in
bad taste — sperm. Gordon Gallup, a psychologist at SUNY-Albany has a
theory that pregnantwomen who are
continually exposed to the father’s semen are less likely to suffer
from AM nausea. Gallup, who specializes in human reproductive
competition and behavior, offers the theory that expectant women become
ill and vomit because their bodies are rejecting the semen’s genetic
material as something foreign and unfamiliar. The theory could feasibly
quell their queasiness by ingesting the same sperm in order to allow the
body to build up a tolerance. The idea, while likely appealing to dads,
is only a theory and has yet to be tested.
Sex cures headaches

If you think sex can’t be had due to a headache, how wrong you are, at least according toheadache specialist Dr.
Vincent Martin. Amazingly, it’s just the opposite. Martin stated that
the increase in serotonin levels which happens during sex eases the
pathways in the brain that can lead to and sustain a headache.
Now, this isn’t to say that sex is the answer to all headaches or there would be massive tardiness in the corporate world every day.
However, with the act itself being quite a bit more powerful than
popping a few ibuprofen or aspirin, perhaps this new headache cure will
be tested soon by, well, many. (
Scratching your ankle feels as good as sex

The old phrase ‘You scratch my
back, I’ll scratch yours’ may need updating. The ankle has overtaken
the back as the most satisfying spot to scratch, according
to researchers at the Wake Forest School of Medicine in North Carolina.
In the study, reported in the British Journal of Dermatology, healthy
volunteers were made to itch on the forearm, ankle and back by rubbing
them with cowhage, a plant with tiny hairs that irritate the skin.
Professor Francis McGlone, a member of the International Forum for the
Study of Itch, said, “It was interesting that the ankle was the itchiest
site and that the most pleasure came from scratching it, because the back has been well-known as a preferred site for scratching.”
Men think about sleep & food as much as sex

Men think about
sex every seven seconds, right? Not according to a new study that finds
men ponder sleep and food as much as they do sex. The study found that
the median number of thoughts about sex by college-age men was 18 times a
day to women’s 10 times a day. But the men also thought about food and
sleep proportionately more.
Finger length may indicate penis size

Hold up your right hand. Are your index and ring fingers mismatched?
Congratulations, you’re more likely than men with matching digits to
have a long penis. A smaller ratio between the second and
fourth fingers is linked to a longer stretched penis
size, researchers report in the Asian Journal of Andrology. The findings
go beyond providing a new finger ratio-based pick-up line for men in
bars, however; researchers say that a quick look at a
man’s fingerscould reveal his exposure to male hormones in the womb,
providing a hint about his risk for hormone-driven diseases like
prostate cancer.
Female orgasm is a form of natural selection

Orgasm is an
evolutionary function of nature. In 1967, a man named Desmond Morris
wrote a controversial book called “The Naked Ape.” The book looked at
the female orgasm, suggesting that its purpose was to not only encourage
interest in sexual activity, but also to promote exhaustion to
encourage her to remain in the horizontal position (preventing sperm
from leaking out). He also suggested that women’s difficulty in
attaining orgasm with men was, in fact, a form of natural selection.
Only the most patient, caring, and imaginative men (considered preferred
traits) would have the best chance of eliciting an orgasm, and thus
successfully conceiving a child.
Vibrators were used as medical treatment during the 19th century

According to the
Museum of Sex, the vibrator was originally used as a medicinal treatment
for female “hysteria” during the 19th century. The vibrator-induced
orgasms helped doctors dissipate hysteria’s anxiety-related symptoms.
25% of men over 65 use the magic blue pill

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, approximately 5 percent of 40-year-old men and between 15 to 25 percent of 65-year-old men experience erectile dysfunction.
interesting fact about middle age sex is that 46 percent of people over
50 claim to have sex once a week. 85 per cent feel that sex at a more
mature age is less pressurized than when they were teens or young
adults, suggesting that sex can get better with age (like many things in
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