Monday, May 5, 2014

#GEJMediaChat-- "The Explosions in Nyanya Do Not Mean That Things Are Worsening, We are Making Progress in The War Against Terror

Here are some quotes from what the President said during his media chat going on now....
"The explosions in Nyanya do not mean that things are worsening. We are making progress in the war against terror.The security situation in Nigeria has improved. The attacks have been suppressed reasonably well.Security personnel in Nigeria are capable of containing the insurgency in the north east.Terrorism is not a thing that you expect to wipe off within a period of one year of state of emergency.I feel pains when I hear of the death of a Nigerian anywhere due to this madness called Boko Haram .Group of people that are anti-progress will always target countries that are moving forward..We have requested for assistance from the US, but i can’t go into details"
On Abducted Chibok girls...
"Even the missing Malaysian Aircraft the world is yet to find it, so we are not alone"The girls’ disappearance will not be another mystery that the world cannot solve"I am assuring Nigerians that the girls will be rescued.Security personnel have been searching everywhere since the Chibok girls were kidnapped.We need cooperation from the parents and the guidance of these girls. We will get the girls out."

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