Friday, July 17, 2015

When All Else Fails, Offend Everyone! Madonna

... it's just never going to stop with this lady. It feels like she's going to be spending the rest of her days getting more and more ridiculous until we are no longer able to understand her words, until she's just making unintelligible sounds and random movements, existing in a world all her own that's built on her own nonsense. Unfortunately, that day is not today, because we are definitely able to understand Madonna's latest grab at attention. And it's just no count.

She posted an iconic painting of the Virgin Mary (also known as the Madonna to some), and her caption? "Bitch Please..............i'm THE Madonna!" It's not hard to see how that could piss off a solid number of people, right? Good, then let's go ahead and get to the comments:

B---- please................ Have some respect

Shame on you! SHAME! 

I'm a Catholic. It's not a joke and anyone who thinks it is should consider themselves lucky that we Catholics don't behave like other groups who would try and kill this woman if she mocked their faith like she just did mine.

Just because I'm a fan, doesn't mean I have to like everything . I find church mockery . disgusting and old news .

Please don't make fun of my Religion

Wow Madonna, you've hit an all time low!

Some of Madonna's fans are leaving comments as well, claiming that Madonna meant that Mary is the one who is "THE Madonna," but who knows, really. It's not a stretch to think that Madonna would make a joke like this, but it also shouldn't be a stretch for Madonna to realize that this could be taken in a really negative way. So at the end of the day, the solution lies within Madonna herself to just quit being so awful. That truly is the answer for it all.

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