Friday, June 20, 2014

Rihanna loses yet another man as drake is to father a baby from another Mama

          just got word that rapper Drake MAY HAVE A BABY – a 2 year old BOY named Aubrey. Details are JUST COMING IN, but a Detroit video model has reached out to Drizzy (through her STREET CONNECTIONS) and told him that her 2 year old boy IS DRAKE’S. The woman, we’re told is asking for $20K a month in child support.
Talk about a RATCHET – she didn’t even use a LAWYER to contact Drizzy and em . . . she used a STREET DUDE. LOL, what a MESS!!!


  1. She's already havin a crush on Ghanian nothing to loose.

  2. Riri industry pussy,Drake is done with her naa.may be Justine Bieber will be next.onye aramara
