Jonah Falcon received an extraordinary gift at birth, and
now he wants to give back. The 45-year-old Manhattanite is recognized for having the
longest man-h@od ever measured in a documentary, a distinction that has made
him an Internet star. He has declined many opportunities in Po*n. But now,he
has an offer he can’t refuse.
The Icelandic Phallological Museum, better known as “The
man-hood Museum” has offered Jonah everlasting fame, by putting his 13.5-inch
s*x organ on display after his death.
“I am flattered by the invitation,” Falcon says in a letter to
the museum. “I appreciate your museum’s devotion to science, and it
would be an honor to have my manho-od put on display, hopefully nestled between
the sxual appendages of a sperm whale and a polar bear… I hope I don’t make either
of those creatures jealous. May I suggest you call the exhibit, ‘Jonah and the
Whale”, he said.
Need part of it 4 my boyfriend